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April 19th,2025
山口 周南rise
Syunan rise
「クラゲカヒトカ レコ発1st EP『二つの世界』Release Party Final」
Open18:00 Start18:30
入場料¥2000 (+要1ドリンク)
2000yen in advance(+1drink order)
2500yen at door(+1drink order)
[★For mail ticket reservation here★]
↑※no action is required on your part email subject.Please write your name and the number of people making the reservation on the Main text.
※On the day of your reservation, please tell us your reservation name at the reception desk.
vIEWpOINt (読:ヴィウポイント)
SKIZZOIDMAN←出演時間19:30~Performance time
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